Turn your relationships into business intelligence.

SNAGG Software


By delivering business intelligence in the context of relationships, SNAGG's contextualized information is uniquely effective and actionable for our customers.

A slide presentation for SNAGG Software. Snagg Software: Turn Relationships into Data. The slide changes. Cutting Edge Business Intelligence is a necessity. Enterprises face a constantly changing and evolving information landscape, offering both opportunities and threats. New and cutting edge business intelligence (B.I.) can change the basis of competition. Our analytics offers cutting edge B.I. for companies looking to gain a competitive advantage utilizing an undervalued exisiting resource - Relationships. The slide changes. Relationships are information treasure troves (an image of social media logos surrounded by user icons showing data flowing from users to social media and from social media to users). The slide changes and is continued on the following slide. We transform real-world relationships into assets...(an image of social media logos labeled data with arrows pointing to lead generation, market intelligence, and data contextualization all pointing towards a user icon labeled target). The slide changes and is a continuation of the previous slide. by Delivering Actionable Business Intelligence (images of screens and charts generated by SNAGG Software). The slide changes. Our Process. A graph showing SNAGG Software's four steps. Identify Relationships (social media profiles and C.R.M. data). Data and Analytics (I.C.P., data mining, modeling, enrichment and analytics). Business Intelligence (customized to client parameters). Adjust and Optimize (continuously apply learning for best results. The slide changes. Example: Supercharges Lead Generation. A graph showing Company Sales Plan to Ideal Customer Profiles to Snagg Software Data and Analytics resulting in sales. Caption: We deliver pre-qualified, enhanced, and verified targets. Thus, we allow your sales process to improve using technology rather than spending human capital. The slide changes. Our current P.C. Dashboard. A screen shot of data and charts produced by SNAGG software. Caption: The dashboard is fully customized for each client to allow for easy filtering and viewing. The slide changes. Our Mobile Application. Images of screens of the mobile SNAGG Software application. Caption: Allows access to our data and analytics everywhere. Available for both Android and I.O.S. Optimized for phone and tablet formats. The slide changes. Example of results. Our customers leveraged our data for lead generation and found success rates that are typically four times the industry average. 12 percent of the people identified via our analytics platform turn into warm leads for our clients as compared to the industry average range of 0.5 percent to 3 percent. The slide changes. Thanks! You can find us at: snaggsoftware.com. Contact: Email address. info@snaggsoftware.com. Phone number. +1 (347) 670-0344. The presentation ends.